The VACDIVA full consortium meeting was held online on 10 November. The meeting was initially planned to be held in the Netherlands and organised by the MAH, but eventually, for reasons we all know, it had to be moved to a non-presential format and was organized by Horizcience. The event was attended by over 85 participants from the different work packages, Advisory board members and EC representatives who were able to catch up on the project’s progress and disseminate the results.
The coordinator José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno was responsible for opening the meeting, after which the Work Packages leaders had the opportunity of reporting on the results obtained since the launch of VACDIVA and made clear the roadmap for the next three years.
Finally, the event ended with the General Assembly where all partners had the opportunity to decide (through a polling questionnaire) about changes in the Advisory Board Composition, Background materials to be added into the Consortium Agreement, and updates on the Data Management Plan.
November 12th 2020