VACDIVA team collaborates in the fight against COVID-19

From the VACDIVA team we want to send a message of support to all those who are currently working to fight the COVID-19 crisis, and also to encourage those who stay at home by keeping quarantine in a responsible way to avoid further contagion.

Thanks also to our partners, who despite their focus on the ASF virus are currently working with the health agencies in their respective countries to help to control the pandemic.

In Spain, during the peak of the pandemic CISA took some 320 samples a day from policemen, firemen and officials by the Madrid city council, also VISAVET who has also been carrying out some 500 PCR tests a day. Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR) has started to carry out PCR tests and can carry out up to 1500 tests per day in the Netherlands. NFVRAI would be able to test about 300 samples for coronavirus per 24 hours in Lithuania, and more diagnostic tests for COVID-19 are being developed by  IZSUM in Italy  and BIOR in Latvia. In addition, MSD Animal Health has decided to keep its manufacturing and clinical supply plants open around the world, and in Germany, the Max Research Center will test the effectiveness of a vaccine against infections with the new virus.




UCM leads this new project in which INGENASA also participates named “Study of the potential impact of COVID19 on pets and lynx”. The company of project management Horizcience provides administrative management in this new challenge.





INGENASA manufactures rapid antibody detection tests with a sensitivity of 94.6%. Our partner produces 250,000 of these serological tests and 500,000 coronavirus blood tests per week and in words of Belén Barreiro, CEO of the company, INGENASA guarantees the supply of its products even in the face of peaks in demand due to possible outbreaks.

We hope that thanks to the efforts we are making and the collaboration of the different institutions and the good work of the citizens this situation will be solved as soon as possible.

Courage to all.

Activities, Publications