Vacdiva Policity Event 2022

The EU H2020 project VACDIVA » A safe diva vaccine for African Swine Fever control and eradication» is organizing a Policy Event. We will review the global risk situation and the advances in the development of a safe, effective and DIVA vaccine


Where? The event will be held in Madrid, at the Visavet Research Center (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and On-line.


When? 29th November 2022, 09:00-18:00 CET



The meeting will aim at updating the situation around African Swine Fever, presenting the objectives and results already obtained through the VACDIVA project but will also include different presentations and discussions on the next topics:


  • Vaccine Mutants
  • Vaccine in domestic animals, wild boar and wild fauna.
  • DIVA tests to accompany vaccine candidates.
  • Vaccine production authorization and market uptake of vaccine and test: needs and limitations
The meeting is addressed to International Policy Agencies, the European Medicines Agency and European veterinary services

Activities, Meetings